Üns ber! Saýtyň esasy maksady Siziň saglyk babatdaky gözýetimiňizi giňeltmekdir. Şonuň üçin-de, saýtda berilýän maglumatlar esasynda öz-özüňi bejermek maslahat berilmeýär. Öz-özüňi bejermeklik düýpli kynçylyklara uçradyp, janyňyza howp salyp biler. Saýtdaky makalalar, materiallar we beýleki maglumatlar bilim maksatly bolup, lukmanyň bejergisiniň ýa-da maslahatynyň ýerini tutup bilmeýär.
We came across several patients from Turkmenistan who used the services of Hindi Lukman. We conducted an interview with Mr. Asim Afsar, Founder of Hindi Lukman, based in Delhi, India to find out about his work.
Saglyk: Can you tell us briefly about your work? When did Hindi Lukman start?
Hindi Lukman: We are a two and half year-old Health Care Facilitator Company. Our goal is to provide information, guidance, and full support to citizens of Turkmenistan looking for medical treatment in India. Till now, we have helped more than 100 Turkmen families to get good quality medical treatment including some major surgeries like, liver and kidney transplantation. Hindi Lukman serves as an educator, organizer, facilitator, and as an advocate on behalf of a patient. We provide a full logistical support including language services and translation from the Turkmen and Russian languages into English. Detailed information about our services can be found at our website.
Saglyk: Why do Turkmen patients choose India? What are the specific factors that influence their decision to come to India for medical treatment?
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